Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Artsy craftsy things

I've had a sudden burst of creative energy, and have started a list of projects I would like to do. Mostly small things -- floral arrangements and decor makeovers.

First up is this vase. Mom had it in her office for years, and gave it to me when she retired. I like the shape of it, but the design is not my style.

Too dark, too...birdy.

So Anya and I primed it, and I am currently deciding what color to paint it. Initially I was thinking champagne gold, but that's awfully...neutral. I have the tendency to overneutral.

I feel like I should do something a little more bold -- copper, maybe, or slate blue. (Copper I have; slate blue I will have to buy.) It all depends on where I am going to put the finished product. Which I should have decided before we slathered it all up with primer, I know. I have some ideas, but nothing definite.

Ready when we are.

Anyway. I now have a blank slate for painting, that didn't cost me a dime because the vase was given to me and the primer was left over from another project. (The priming also occupied Anya for an hour on a cold, blustery day, which is worth way more than the cost of a brand-new vase.)

Next up: A couple of photo collages made from frames I already have. (Hoarding does occasionally have its uses.) I think we'll prime them tonight, while I'm deciding on the color of the vase.

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