Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Looks like it's the fenugreek

I took fenugreek for the first time in a week Sunday night, and woke up Monday with a mild case of hives. So I am going to take another break from it and see if they go away. If so, I will have some fenugreek capsules and mother's milk tea to give away in addition to the brewer's yeast.

Yes, I'm getting rid of the brewer's yeast. My body cannot deal with that stuff. And as I've proven in the past week, I can finally muster up enough milk to feed Kai without it -- probably because he's eating more solids. Which means there is no point putting myself through all the side effects.

It just figures with the fenugreek, though. I have 4-5 unopened boxes of mother's milk tea and two unopened bottles of fenugreek capsules, plus an open package of each. And the only jar I could find of the brewer's yeast is HUGE. Some mama is about to hit the galactagogue motherlode.

I'm relieved, though, that the trigger wasn't any of the suspect foods. Dairy, wheat, eggs...any one of those would seriously affect my diet. And chocolate? Sure, I could live without it, but what's the point of dessert if it's not chocolate?

I suppose that if I had to be allergic to something, fenugreek is the least painful choice. I'm just glad I didn't develop this allergy until Kai was firmly on solid food. Makes my job a lot easier!

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