Thursday, May 21, 2015

Clean all the things!

I have been trying out several homemade cleaner recipes, for a variety of reasons -- to appease my allergies, save money, eliminate harmful chemicals around my kids, make my home more eco-friendly, and simplify my life. I started with recipes I found on the internet, and have been tweaking them as I go. I give priority to recipes that are fragrance free and suitable for sensitive skin, but they also have to be simple to make -- I don't have an abundance of free time.

Most of my cleaning supplies consist of varying combinations of water, white vinegar, and liquid castile soap. I particularly like the unscented soap from Carolina Castile Soap. Most recipes I have found use scented castile soap and/or essential oils, but I haven't mucked about in scent yet; I want to get my allergies under control first. I know a lot of recipes call for Dr. Bronner's, but I don't care for the scent of hemp. (Yes, I can smell it. I have an annoyingly acute sense of smell.) Carolina Castile's soap is fantastic, and their customer service is awesome -- give them a try! (No, they did not pay me to say that.)

Here are my current formulas, in case you're interested. I will post updates as I perfect my recipes.

Personal Care
Hand soap
This one's easy -- castile soap and water. I have two foaming soap dispensers; I fill to the line with soap, then top off with water.
Done. And cheap! Best of all, it's far gentler on my skin than store-bought hand soap.

Body wash
In a pump bottle, mix:
1 cup filtered water
1 tablespoon glycerin
1/2 cup castile soap

I am still tweaking this one. It's a bit runny, but foams up nicely on a shower poof. Used in combination with a washcloth, it effectively removes makeup. For everyday use as a face and body wash, it works great. But it's not so good at removing sunscreen. I'm going to eventually try some recipes for homemade sunscreen, which hopefully will wash off more easily, but in the meantime I am still looking for ways to boost the effectiveness of this wash on store-bought sunscreen. Perhaps a scrub? I'm working on it.

This recipe can also be used on hair; in fact, the castile soap alone is a good shampoo (though a bit drying). But I get better frizz control with store-bought hair products, so I am sticking with them for now.

Shaving cream
Another easy one: half castile soap, half olive oil. Shake before using.

I store mine in a travel shampoo bottle, and just rub some on damp skin before shaving. The olive oil makes my skin really soft and prevents razor burn (something my sensitive skin is very susceptible to); the castile soap keeps my skin and the tub from getting slick and greasy. (Though it is not a bad idea to wipe the tub after use.)

Household Cleaners
All-purpose cleaner
Fill a spray bottle halfway with vinegar and top off with water. That's it. Seriously.

For the bottle, I like the Smart Tube spray bottles that Clorox Green Works all-purpose cleaner comes in -- they're easy to clean for refilling, and the bottle design uses every last drop of cleaner.

I use this spray on everything but wood and electronics -- including bathroom mirrors. No streaks. Eliminates odors, perfume required.

Try straight vinegar on stubborn dirt and mold. I dumped the contents of a couple of those touch-ups bottles (the smell of the cleaner that came in them turned my stomach, but the containers rock) and filled them with vinegar for that very purpose.

For serious soap scum, try vinegar on a Magic Eraser. You're welcome.

Dusting spray
In a spray bottle, mix:
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup vinegar
1 cup water

I have used this to dust, and also to clean leather furniture and wood flooring -- it cleans (fruit cup juice residue, tracked-in/ground-in dirt) as well as dusts. Test in an inconspicuous spot before use.

Toilet cleaner
In an old shampoo bottle, mix:
2 cups water
2 tablespoons borax
1/4 cup castile soap

Shake well before use. Cleans 2-4 seriously funky toilets (my house cleaning schedule is a bit lax of late).

Dishwasher soap
1 1/2 cups washing soda
1/2 cup baking soda
1/2 cup coarse salt
1 jar Lemishine

Mix thoroughly; use 2-4 tablespoons per load.

I have read that putting a couple of tablespoons of vinegar in the rinse compartment helps with the cloudy residue, but I haven't tried it yet.

Laundry soap
2 cups borax
2 cups washing soda
2 cups Oxyclean
2 bars castile soap (I like Kirk's)

Using a grater or food processor (I use a rotary grater I purchased just for this purpose, because I have no desire to eat soap), grate both bars of soap into fine powder. Mix in the other ingredients. Use 1/4 to 1/2 cup per load (regular washers; I don't have an HE washer, so YMMV).

Upholstery cleaner
The only tip I have found that I didn't alter in any way -- see 551 east for instructions. This technique works really well, but be prepared to air out the room (or go outside for a bit) after use, especially if you're cleaning a bunch of spots at once.

I have seen a lot of specialized cleaner recipes (especially on the mother of all time sucks, Pinterest), but these cover most of my daily needs.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

I am addicted to Command hooks

Is there anything they can't do?

Actually, yes. They failed at holding this up:

But they rock here:

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Home making

My daughter's language skills improve more and more each day. Lately she has been focused on classifications: boys/girls, old/new, the color (preferably pink!) and size (tiny babies, biiiiig ice creams) of things. One of the things she specifies is whose house she wants to be at -- usually it's Mimi's house, but sometimes it is Anya's house.

The way she says that, Anya's house, resonates with me. However temporary I feel about the house we rent (I was hoping we'd have bought a house by now, but it looks like that goal is a few years off yet), it is the only home she has ever known. It's her whole childhood. The center of her universe. I should do what I can to make it nice.

So that's my new goal (in addition to adapting to life with two kids and finding my abs under all this postpregnancy sag): Making this house a home.

Mother's Day mini-projects

Anya and I wanted to make mini-vases for the grandmas. Anya picked the paint, ribbon, and flowers (and ate the sprinkles). She also arranged the flowers.

Mumma cleaned and painted the bottles...twice, because the top coat ate the paint the first time out. (I didn't use a top coat on hers...and perhaps shouldn't have here either. Mixing the paint with the top coat seems to have helped some.)

I also attached the ribbon with hot glue and trimmed the flowers.

Only a week late, too!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Hello, growth spurt

I have been working on several projects, big and small, since my last post -- but mostly I have been breastfeeding. My stormy boy is going through one heck of a growth spurt. The other day, I nursed him every half hour for 24 hours straight. I started taking fenugreek just to keep up.

I'm nursing right now, in fact. Even though he just ate 20 minutes ago.

The human body is amazing. I can nurse him for hours, then pump til I am dry; all it takes to start the flow anew is one squawk from him. I was at the dentist yesterday, and the hygienist asked what my kids' names were. I told her, and bam! -- instant pins-and-needles boobs. Just saying their names.

I love breastfeeding, though. No bottles to lug around; no bottle warmer to fumble with at 4 a.m. Even pumping isn't so bad now that I have the right gear: an electric pump (thanks, Obama!), steam bags, milk storage bags, and a spare set of pump parts. All I need to keep things rolling once I start work again is a pumping bra; working from home means I can multitask, and multitask I shall.

All this milk production seriously wears on you -- that's what people fail to mention. I've been sleeping crazy long hours as a result. But I think dehydration might be a factor. I put a glass of water at my bedside last night, which I drank immediately upon waking today. Today was the first day all week I did not nap, so perhaps I am on to something here. I hope so; in a few weeks, there will be no more naps.

Man, I do not want to go back to work. Not yet. I am enjoying this time with my kids too much. Oh, well.

Anyway, now that I am getting a handle on the little man's appetite, there will be more posts in the days to come.