Friday, January 15, 2016

Again with the hives

A new day, a new rash. This one starts at my hips and spreads downward, mostly ending at my knees but with a few intrepid explorers reaching the tops of my feet.

What the hell am I reacting to?

Last night we had green bean casserole and mac & cheese for dinner. (Yes, I know...terribly nutritious. It was fast and easy, okay?) I paired mine with unsweetened applesauce and Ovaltine. So tomatoes are apparently exonerated, but wheat, dairy, and chocolate are still on the chopping block. And I am left with the decision to either take Benadryl and drag all day or skip it and suffer.

Actually, that's not entirely true. There's a third option. I just took some Allegra. Allegra tends to give me migraines, but you know what? Today that doesn't sound so bad.

I am so very tired of itching. But I am also tired of being tired. I have things to do. Also, it's supposed to be warmer today -- I'd planned on taking the kids to the park.

More than anything, I'm tired of my allergies.

Earlier, Anya pointed to a picture in her coloring book. "Can I have a pet?" she asked, enunciating carefully.

"Oh, honey, you know Mommy is allergic to dogs and cats," I told her. "Their fur makes Mommy sick."

"I know," she said. "But what about a lizard? Do lizards make your nose itch?"

"Well, I don't know. I don't think so. We'll talk about it when you're older." (I'm not really a fan of lizards.)

I can always tell when she really wants something when she takes extra pains in her pronunciation. The only word she didn't say perfectly was "lizard"; it came out more like "lih-ard." Pretty darn close, especially for her. I'm not really a pet person, but when she tries that hard, I wish I could be.

With the way my allergies are going, though, I'm really not willing to take the chance.

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