Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Art therapy

I need some creativity in my life.

I have several craftsy hobbies, but I also have a 2-year-old who wants to meddle (steal my stuff) every time I break out the supplies. So that's out. I've not had a design job in close to a year, so that's out, too. And I don't have time (or a project, really) to design for me. So my creative outlet has been toddler-safe items like crayons and Play-Doh.

It helps, but it's not enough. I edit science and medicine for 10 hours a day. I need ART, dammit.

So I signed up for a class. In what, I am not sure. It came up on my latest meetups email, and I said "Why not?" Something called Zentangles. I dunno. At this point, I'm willing to try almost anything.

Because I also need friends. I really, REALLY suck at making friends. I'm more awkward than Sheldon, highly introverted, slightly antisocial, and have roughly 90 seconds of free time per day. Even if I manage to hold a conversation, someone has to really work to get on my radar. But lately the only people I talk to without an internet connection are related to me. I'm not sure that's healthy.

We'll see how it goes.


  1. Just found your blog through Roo. Love your writing style!

    I took one of those uber-popular personality quizzes and came out as Amy Farrah Fowler, soooo ... hello, soul mate? (totally kidding in case that didn't translate the way it did in my head).

    Really, though, I am like 90 percent introvert (according to another one of those quiz thingies ... evidently I, too, need a hobby.) I've heard Zentangles are pretty cool.


  2. Thanks, soul mate! Glad you like my ramblings. :)
