Thursday, December 31, 2015


Part of what I want to accomplish in the coming year is the making of memories. I already have on my list (though I have slacked in its execution) to take a family field trip once a month -- nothing fancy, just a family outing that doesn't involve going to the grocery store. It could be a trip to the park, or a drive-in movie, or a museum visit. Just something we do together, for fun.

I want more of that. More adventures. More family time.

Santa brought games to my minions, and I want us to have a family game night. I also want us to eat meals around our new (to us) dining table.

These years are short, and I don't want to miss them. I want to stop and notice my family, appreciate our time together as it passes -- not just in retrospect.

I also want to make a bigger deal out of holidays. Christmas gets a lot of attention, but what about the others? They make bibs and clothes and crap for baby's first everything, but then we seem to lose interest. (And apparently "baby's first" stops around 6 months; I can't find any of that cute stuff to fit Kai anymore. He's still in his first year of life! Not one New Year's onesie for him?) Gretchen Rubin says she does little things to commemorate holidays -- special placemats and such for Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, etc. I think that is a great idea. I want to buy or make seasonal/holiday wreaths for the front door, maybe get placemats, or perhaps t-shirts. We could make cookies (or green milk on St. Pat's!), have a special dinner...something to acknowledge the day, the passing of time.

Sure, I want to do the big things -- family vacations, amusement park visits, that kind of stuff. But the everyday celebrations are equally important, I think.

Which is why I bought my girl a party dress for NYE, though we aren't going out. We will drink ginger ale out of champagne flutes and wear party hats and count down the clock.

Happy New Year's Eve! See ya next year.

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