Tuesday, September 15, 2015

And then, you remembered

The voice in my head sounds an awful lot like Dr. Moon* since I became a mother.

Me: [shampooing hair] Oh, crap -- I forgot to get the leftover cash and ride tickets out of the pocket of my shorts.

Dr. Moon: And then, you remembered.

Me: I will get them out just as soon as I get out of the shower.

Of course, by the time I have finished showering, I have completely forgotten.

Several days later, I enter the kitchen and see a wadded-up dollar bill on the kitchen table.

Me: That's from my pocket, isn't it? That's the money I was going to get out before we did laundry.

Dr. Moon: And then, you forgot.

Me: So where's the rest of it? [go to the basket of clean clothes, discover the extra bills mixed in with the laundry -- but not the ride tickets] I don't see yellow paper shreds on everything. Where are the tickets?

Dr. Moon: And then, you remembered.

Me: [locate tickets in watch pocket of said shorts -- curled, and crisp, but still intact]

Snuck the cash into her treasure box,
but these are mine.

This kind of thing happens all the time. I've taken to creating multiple to-do lists on my phone, with reminders that pop up throughout the day. Not just stuff to buy or appointments, but things like "clean out the fridge" and "trim the kids' nails." Because if I don't do that, I end up with a fridge full of rotting food and a face full of scratches. (No, that is not a zit on my chin. The baby is in a grabby phase.)

So if you see me bent over my phone, don't automatically assume that I am playing Candy Crush.** Most likely I am looking at my list, trying to remember what it is I am forgetting.

*Obligatory Doctor Who reference.
**Like I have time for that stuff. If I manage to game, it's gonna involve a Sim or a REALLY big sword.

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